Fano varieties of K3 type and their properties.

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Fano varieties of K3 type and their properties.
Giovedì 18 Novembre ore 14:15, Enrico Fatighenti (Sapienza Università di Roma) terrà il seminario di Geometria dal titolo "Fano varieties of K3 type and their properties".

Abstract: Fano varieties of K3 type are a special class of Fano varieties, which are usually studied for their link with hyperkaehler geometry, rationality properties, and much more. In this talk, we will recap some recent results, obtained jointly with Bernardara, Manivel, Mongardi, and Tanturri, that focus on the explicit construction of examples and the study of their Hodge-theoretical properties.

Il seminario avrà luogo in presenza presso il Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica
Lungotevere Dante 376 - Aula M1
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