Condensed Matter Physics, Nanoscience and Complex Systems

(There are no available positions reserved to foreign applicants. Those willing to apply may do so following the same rules and competing for the same positions as the italian candidates. ) This is an interdisciplinary PhD programme aimed at training young researchers in the wide field of nano-science and nano-technology, and in particular at study and manipulation of physico-chemical processes at the nanoscale. Nanoscience is a branch of Condensed Matter, where Quantum Physics, Chemistry, Material Science, and Molecular Biology contribute all together towards an impact in both fundamental science and industrial applications. The task of this programme is to train the students so that they can gain: - Attitude to work in a team, and contributing with personal and original ideas; - Attitude to develop theoretical models and experimental protocols; The training is mainly based on research; lectures and courses will be delivered only during the first year. Starting from their first year the PhD students will be associated with one of the research groups active in the Department and/or engaged in national or international collaborations.
Link identifier #identifier__9883-1Link identifier #identifier__110573-2Link identifier #identifier__188738-3Link identifier #identifier__104283-4

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Curriculum Scienze della materia, nanotecnologie e sistemi complessi
codice CURR878