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Earth Sciences
The PhD program in “Earth Sciences” (SdT) is the third level of university education on topics focused on the cutting-edge research in solid earth-hydrosphere-atmosphere. The main aim of the program is to train experts of high scientific qualification. The research activities that will be developed encompass fundamental Earth sciences disciplines at both national and international levels. The PhD student will acquire specific knowledge and professional skills and will develop a research project on advanced topics, debated in the international community, in Geodynamics, Volcanology, Environment, Climate, Resources, Energy and Geological Risks.
The program in “Earth Sciences” is organized in two main curricula:
(1) Geodynamics and Volcanology
(2) Resources and Environment.
(1) Geodynamics and Volcanology. The student will develop a research project focused on the main topics debated at international levels related to Structural Geology, Tectonics, Geophysics and Volcanology. The student will acquire specific knowledge on the deformation and rheology of the crust and continental lithosphere, regional tectonics, modelling of tectonic, volcanic and geodynamic processes, eruptive dynamics and rheology and physical properties of magma.
(2) Resources and Environment. The student will develop a research project focused on the main topics debated at international levels related to Resources, Energy, Environment, Climate and Geological Risks. The student will acquire specific knowledge on the paleo-environment and paleo-climatic reconstructions, energy (hydrocarbons and geothermal energy), hydric resources and hydrogeological risk, territory management, geochemistry and environmental geochemistry and modelling of geological processes.
The board of supervisors consists of worldwide recognized experts specialized in the cited disciplines. Within the Ph.D. Course, students will benefit from top-level basic and applied research. Doctoral theses will be carried out in laboratories characterized by multi-disciplinary research approach, and/or field work in selected regions around the world.
Ph.D. students will work in a stimulating environment characterized by a strong integration and cooperation among different Earth science disciplines, building up a strong background for their future career in Earth science research fields.
The Ph.D. program aims at creating professional figures in public institutions and private companies, national and international and in universities and research centers devoted to research and education in Earth science.
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Curriculum Geodinamica e vulcanologiacodice CURR879
Curriculum Risorse, territorio e ambiente
codice CURR880