Computer Services of the Department of Mathematics and Physics are mainly involved in the management of network services, assistance to the Administration, the Education and Services. Link identifier #identifier__95286-1Staff also promotes, organizes, manages and collaborates on projects for the modernization and expansion of computer systems in use, and at the same time proposes, coordinates and takes care of the integration of new information systems useful to the achievement of the activities of scientific research.
The Link identifier #identifier__147401-2Roma 3 GRID Laboratory was established in 2008 thanks to a project that involved as main founders the Atlas and the ARGO-YBJ experiments with the financial support of INFN and Department of Physics of the Roma Tre University. After the first year of usage, the interest from other groups within our structure has grown and therefore the sharing of resources to all groups belonging to INFN and the University that require more computing power was extended.
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