The Department of Mathematics and Physics of Roma Tre University offers each year a PhD program of the duration of 3 years (with no possibility of extension for a further year).
The PhD school aims at turning the graduate students into independent scientists. Most of the graduate students benefit of a scholarship for the entire duration of the PhD program: for this reason, the PhD can be considered as the first step in the scientist career as a pure or applied mathematician.
The PhD school aims at extending and deepening students’ knowledge in mathematics and, at the same time, developing their ability to address and solve problems. The ultimate goal of the PhD program is to lead the students to achieve a scientific discovery in mathematics (pure or applied). This achievement is presented and fully described in the doctoral thesis that each student is expected to write at the end of the PhD cycle, and that is usually published in one or more international scientific journals. Those who successfully conclude the PhD program are awarded of the title of “Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics”.
In order to improve the mathematical research also in the more applicative areas, the Department has established several collaborations with different private and public insti-tutions that are interested in the applications of mathematics. Among them, the Institute for Applied Mathematics (IAC) of the CNR, the supercalculus center CASPUR and CINECA, IBM Italy, ENEA – Frascati , CD-adapco and the National Institute for Studies and Experiments of Naval Architecture (INSEAN).
The PhD program in Mathematics at Roma Tre collaborates with those of the two other roman universities, Sapienza and Tor Vergata: the three programs jointly offer advanced courses and seminars. The participation to these activities, as well as to research or advanced teaching programs, promoted by other national and international universities and research centers, are promoted and funded.
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