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Contributo in Rivista
- Half Nikulin surfaces and moduli of Prym curves, LELLI CHIESA , MARGHERITA; VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_160807-1 Dettaglio
- Generic injectivity of the Prym map for ramified double coverings, VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_48224-2 Dettaglio
- Edge and Fano on nets of quadrics, VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_182813-3 Dettaglio
- The universal K3 surface of genus 14 via cubic fourfolds, FARKAS, GAVRIL MARIUS; VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_131433-4 Dettaglio
- On the rationality of the moduli of higher spin curves in low genus, VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_110718-5 Dettaglio
- Prym varieties and moduli of polarized Nikulin surfaces, VERRA, ALESSANDRO; FARKAS, GAVRIL MARIUS, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_20219-6 Dettaglio
- The universal abelian variety over A_5, VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_160798-7 Dettaglio
- Singularities of the theta divisor and the geometry of A_5, VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 2014Link identifier #identifier_person_26577-8 Dettaglio
- The geometry of the moduli spaces of odd spin curves, VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 2014Link identifier #identifier_person_189440-9 Dettaglio
- The classification of universal Jacobians over the moduli spaces of curves, VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 2013Link identifier #identifier_person_102440-10 Dettaglio
- The universal difference variety over M_g, VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 2013Link identifier #identifier_person_131175-11 Dettaglio
- The universal theta divisor on the moduli space of curves, VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 2013Link identifier #identifier_person_47914-12 Dettaglio
- Moduli of theta characteristics via Nikulin surfaces, VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_26117-13 Dettaglio
- Plucker forms and the theta map, VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_18109-14 Dettaglio
- On quadro-quadric transformations of P4 andP5, BRUNO, ANDREA; VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 2011Link identifier #identifier_person_53239-15 Dettaglio
- The Rationality of the Moduli Space of Genus 4 Curves Endowed with an Order 3 Subgroup of Their Jacobian, VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 2010Link identifier #identifier_person_182240-16 Dettaglio
- Problemi di razionalità e unirazionalità: da Ugo Morin ai giorni nostri, VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 2009Link identifier #identifier_person_88091-17 Dettaglio
- ALESSANDRO VERRA (2005). Rationality and unirationality problems in algebraic geometry, VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 2005Link identifier #identifier_person_38639-18 Dettaglio
- The unirationality of the moduli space of curves of genus 14 and lower, VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 2005Link identifier #identifier_person_193379-19 Dettaglio
- Quaternionic Pryms and Hodge classes, VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 2003Link identifier #identifier_person_126664-20 Dettaglio
- On the projective normality of Enriques surfaces,Appendix, LOPEZ, ANGELO; VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 2002Link identifier #identifier_person_51492-21 Dettaglio
- On the Theta Divisor of SU(r,1), VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 2002Link identifier #identifier_person_194350-22 Dettaglio
- The degree of the Gauss map for a general Prym-Theta Divisor, VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 2001Link identifier #identifier_person_112940-23 Dettaglio
- On the Theta divisor of SU(2,1), VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 1999Link identifier #identifier_person_197829-24 Dettaglio
- The generalized theta divisor of SU_C(2,2d)^s is very ample if C is not hyperelliptic, VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 1996Link identifier #identifier_person_34434-25 Dettaglio
- Curves of minimal genus on a general abelian fourfold, VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 1995Link identifier #identifier_person_162481-26 Dettaglio
- Reye constructions for nodal Enriques surfaces, VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 1993Link identifier #identifier_person_161441-27 Dettaglio
- Torsion on K3-sections, VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 1991Link identifier #identifier_person_28028-28 Dettaglio
- Smooth surfaces of degree 9 in G(1,3), VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 1988Link identifier #identifier_person_195544-29 Dettaglio
- A short proof of the unirationality of A_5, VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 1987Link identifier #identifier_person_169197-30 Dettaglio
- The fibre of the Prym map in genus three, VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 1987Link identifier #identifier_person_38733-31 Dettaglio
- The Abel-Jacobi isomorphism for the sextic double solid, VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 1986Link identifier #identifier_person_12868-32 Dettaglio
- An example of a unirational non rational conic bundle on a rational surface, VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 1983Link identifier #identifier_person_62577-33 Dettaglio
- On Enriques Surface as a fourfold cover of P2, VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 1983Link identifier #identifier_person_1255-34 Dettaglio
- The étale double covering of an Enriques surface, VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 1983Link identifier #identifier_person_57559-35 Dettaglio
- The non rationality of generic Enriques threefold, VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 1983Link identifier #identifier_person_147352-36 Dettaglio
- Superfici di Enriques e reti di quadriche, VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 1982Link identifier #identifier_person_93273-37 Dettaglio
- Some duality properties of geometrically linked schemes, VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 1979Link identifier #identifier_person_8226-38 Dettaglio
- Schemi T_D: un controesempio, VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 1977Link identifier #identifier_person_30924-39 Dettaglio
- Moduli iniettivi e fasci flasque su uno schema affine, VERRA, ALESSANDRO, , 1974Link identifier #identifier_person_178736-40 Dettaglio
- VERRA, ALESSANDRO, MATRICI E VETTORI, vol. 1, pp. 1 363, 2009 Link identifier #identifier_person_86434-41Dettaglio
Contributo in volume e atti di convegno
- VERRA, ALESSANDRO, Classical Moduli Spaces and Rationality, issn 0075-8434, vol. 2172, pp. 104 160, 2016 Link identifier #identifier_person_31541-42Dettaglio
- VERRA, ALESSANDRO, Rational parametrizations of moduli spaces of curves, vol. III, pp. 432 506, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_170228-43Dettaglio
- VERRA, ALESSANDRO; BRUNO, ANDREA, Geometry of Effective Divisors in Moduli Spaces, vol. 21, pp. 1 12, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_27571-44Dettaglio
- BRUNO, ANDREA; VERRA, ALESSANDRO, Geometry of effective divisors on moduli spaces, vol. 21, pp. 1 12, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_94507-45Dettaglio
- VERRA, ALESSANDRO, On the universal principally polarized abelian variety of dimension 4, CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS, issn 0271-4132, vol. 465, pp. 252 274, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_22307-46Dettaglio
- VERRA, ALESSANDRO, The Brill-Noether curve of a stable vector bundle on a genus two curve, vol. 2, pp. 73 93, 2007 Link identifier #identifier_person_172696-47Dettaglio
- BRUNO, ANDREA; VERRA, ALESSANDRO, M_15 is rationally connected, pp. 51 65, 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_162849-48Dettaglio
- VERRA, ALESSANDRO, The Prym map has degree two on plane sextics, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_126963-49Dettaglio
- VERRA, ALESSANDRO, On the surjectivity of the Gaussian map for a Prym-canonical line bundle on a general curve, pp. 118 141, 1993 Link identifier #identifier_person_167769-50Dettaglio
- VERRA, ALESSANDRO, Contact Curves of two Kummer Surfaces, pp. 397 407, 1991 Link identifier #identifier_person_6904-51Dettaglio