QualificaProfessore Ordinario
Settore Scientifico DisciplinareGEOS-02/C
Cellulare aziendale86004
IndirizzoViale Guglielmo Marconi 446
  • Dipartimento di Scienze
Cariche e responsabilità
  • Coordinatore Collegio dei docenti corso di dottorato di ricerca Scienze della terra
Altre informazioniSito web personale
foto profilo
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Per telefonare da un edificio dell'Ateneo all'altro SE il numero unico inizia con "06 5733xxxx" basta comporre le ultime quattro cifre del numero esteso.

Profilo INSEGNAMENTI Prodotti della ricerca Avvisi Ricevimento e materiale didattico


Titoli e cariche



Corsi: Vulcano-Tettonica Rischio Vulcanico Rischi Naturali


VA studies volcanoes, plate boundaries and hot spots. focusing on the deformation of active volcanoes, using field work, analogue and numerical models, and satellite interferometry. VA has been collaborating with >300 scientists from ~60 institutions worldwide. VA has participated to 26 research projects, of which 6 as PI, also coordinating large projects on Etna and Campi Flegrei. VA has published >150 peer-reviewed papers and a book (“Volcano-Tectonic Processes”, Springer, 568 pp, in 2021). VA is author of >300 oral and poster presentations at scientific meetings and >40 invitations as keynote speaker. h-index: 46 (ISI), 53 (Google Scholar); Citations: >5622 (ISI); >8029 (Google Scholar). VA has been ranking within the 1% top scientists worldwide by Stanford University (Ioannidis et al., 2022). VA also ranks as #27 among the Earth scientists in Italy. VA is Chief and Associate Editor for several international journals in Earth Science.