Seminario di Analisi

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Seminario di Analisi
Giovedì 17 Ottobre alle ore 14:30, Valerio Assenza (IMPA) terrà il seminario di Analisi dal titolo "Magnetic curvature and existence of a closed magnetic geodesic on low energy levels" . 

Abstract: Magnetic systems are the natural toy model for the motion of a charged particle moving on a Riemannian manifold under the influence of a (static) magnetic force. In this talk we introduce a curvature operator called magnetic curvature which encodes the information of the classical Riemannian curvature together with terms of perturbation due to the magnetic interaction. In a variational setting, we use this new notion of curvature to approach the problem of finding closed trajectories. 

Il seminario avrà luogo in presenza presso il Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica
Lungotevere Dante   376-  Aula M3
Link identifier #identifier__79135-1Link identifier #identifier__51552-2Link identifier #identifier__11961-3Link identifier #identifier__12224-4

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