Archivio tesi di dottorato

Dottori di ricerca in Fisica

Dottori Titolo tesi supervisor ciclo
Link identifier #identifier__67124-1Simone MARCIANO Link identifier #identifier__170546-2From Neutrino Masses to the Baryon Asymmetry:
connecting the vanishingly small to the cosmically imbalanced

data tesi: 12-12-2024

Link identifier #identifier__883-3Nina BURLAC Link identifier #identifier__172165-4Optimizing the Search for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay

data tesi: 29-05-2024

Link identifier #identifier__172558-5Raul CIANCARELLA Link identifier #identifier__142642-6Estimation Of The Hubble Parameter Using Dark Sirens in Light of New Generation Instruments

data tesi: 03-06-2024

Link identifier #identifier__162297-7Elisabetta COLANTONI Link identifier #identifier__168271-8Organic Field-Effect Transistors Based on Organic Semiconductor-Polymer Blends for X-Ray Detection

data tesi: 29-05-2024

Link identifier #identifier__119315-9Sacha CORMENIER Link identifier #identifier__131797-10Characterisation of electronic devices and finite-dimensions deep neural network topology optimisation

data tesi: 29-05-2024

Link identifier #identifier__262-11Andrea GNARINI Link identifier #identifier__27166-12X-ray Polarization of Accreting Weakly Magnetized Neutron Stars

data tesi: 03-06-2024

Link identifier #identifier__117501-13Paolo LA FRANCESCA Link identifier #identifier__165738-14Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Supercooled Water in Solutions with Perchlorates:The Effect of Martian

Solutes on Thermodynamics and Structure

data tesi: 29-05-2024

Link identifier #identifier__191416-15Lorenzo MARRA Link identifier #identifier__127041-16X-ray polarization properties of accreting black holes in soft state: theory and first observations

data tesi: 03-06-2024

Link identifier #identifier__117657-17Chloe Helene MARTELLA Link identifier #identifier__12670-18Electromagnetic characterization of lunar soil simulants and Ground Penetrating
Radar measurements for water icedetection within the shallow lunardata tesi: 03-06-2024
Alessio MASTRODDI Link identifier #identifier__11-19Axion Like Particles Production via Photon Fusion
at Belle IIdata tesi: 28-11-2023
Francesca ACANFORA Link identifier #identifier__37184-20Vector Boson Fusion channel for Axion Like Particles detection at Belle II: Phase Space Theory and Collider Phenomenology

data tesi: 27-06-2023

Massimo GUIDI Link identifier #identifier__175146-21A new model for three-point statistics to probe Galaxy Clustering in the nonlinear regime

data tesi: 27-06-2023

Romana MIKUSINCOVA Link identifier #identifier__114004-22Accreting black holes and neutron stars probed with X-ray polarimetry

data tesi: 27-06-2023

Giorgio MATT  XXXV
Link identifier #identifier__50856-23Jamaledin BANIAMERIAN Link identifier #identifier__122651-24Estimation of Attenuation from Data in Terrestrial and Planetary Investigation

data tesi: 05-05-2023

Link identifier #identifier__51380-25Livio DE FABRIZIO Link identifier #identifier__178987-26Linear and Nonlinear Kinetic Alfvén Wave Physics in Cylindrical Plasmas

data tesi: 05-05-2023

Giuseppe DEGRASSI (int)

Fulvio ZONCA (est)

Link identifier #identifier__29622-27Alessio GIARNETTI Link identifier #identifier__69707-28The role of future high-precision long-baseline neutrino experiments in constraining

Link identifier #identifier__25788-29BSM models

data tesi: 05-05-2023

Filippo Mazzetti Link identifier #identifier__123209-30Virtual photon emission in leptonic decays of pseudoscalar mesons

data tesi: 05-05-2023

Inna BASTHA Link identifier #identifier__142708-31Structural Anomalies of Supercooled Water in LiCl Solution

data tesi: 05-07-2022

Alessio Mattia LEONARDI Link identifier #identifier__76635-32Use of Minkowski spacetime diagrams in teaching Special Relativity – an instrument  Link identifier #identifier__12664-33to “see” relativistic effects: the spacetime globe

data tesi: 05-07-2022

Settimio MOBILIO

Claudio FAZIO

Chiara NARDONI Link identifier #identifier__63101-34Imaging oceanic basins with radiative transfer and wave equation models”

data tesi: 05-07-2022

Lorenzo TENUZZO Link identifier #identifier__82261-35Dynamics and Structure Of Supercooled Protein Hydration Water by Molecular

Link identifier #identifier__160467-36Dynamics Link identifier #identifier__105906-37Simulations

data tesi: 05-07-2022

Maria Teresa CAMERLINGO Link identifier #identifier__27850-38Analysis of the (𝑊)𝐻 → (𝑊)𝑊𝑊∗ channel and validation of resistive Micromegas

Link identifier #identifier__190991-39detectors  Link identifier #identifier__144281-40for the ATLAS experiment

data tesi: 01-07-2022

Martina LAURENZA Link identifier #identifier__188302-41Search for a visibly decaying Z’ dark boson at BelleII in e+ e ->μ+ μμ+μevents

data tesi: 01-07-2022

Lorenza MAURO Link identifier #identifier__71141-42Reconciling weak and strong field regimes through space missions

data tesi: 01-07-2022

Wolfango PLASTINO,


Laura RUBINO Link identifier #identifier__35361-43Testing Gravity with Laser Ranging:LARES-2 and MPAc space missions

data tesi: 01-07-2022



Marco VITTI Link identifier #identifier__6126-44“Virtual QCD Corrections via a Transverse Momentum Expansion for Gluon-Initiated

Link identifier #identifier__116429-45ZH and ZZ Production”

data tesi: 01-07-2022

Simone ROMITI Link identifier #identifier__111712-46The neutron proton mass difference in Lattice QCD+QED
data tesi: 22.04.2022
Silvano SIMULA,

Vittorio LUBICZ

Alessio RETTAROLI Link identifier #identifier__180741-47Study of devices based on Josephson junctions for galactic axion search
data tesi: 22.04.2022
Link identifier #identifier__165373-48Alessandro RAVONI Link identifier #identifier__142201-49Autocatalytic networks and the origin of life

data tesi: 19.07.2021

Link identifier #identifier__6381-50Chiara ARCANGELETTI Link identifier #identifier__29445-51Test of the Standard Model in the H->ZZ*->4l decay channel with the Effective

Link identifier #identifier__104299-52 Lagrangian framework Link identifier #identifier__79667-53and construction and performance of the Micromegas

Link identifier #identifier__37223-54 chambers for the ATLAS New  Link identifier #identifier__13087-55Small Wheel upgrade

data tesi: 20.05.2021

Mario Antonelli XXXIII
Link identifier #identifier__154553-56Valerio D’AMICO Link identifier #identifier__20491-57Search for Higgs boson pair production in the single-lepton WWbb channel

Link identifier #identifier__119464-58 with the ATLAS detector

data tesi: 20.05.2021

Biagio Di Micco XXXIII
Link identifier #identifier__72551-59Cristina MARTELLINI Link identifier #identifier__24763-60Towards a Reconstruction of Supernova Progenitor Mass by using the neutrino

Link identifier #identifier__13605-61 spectrum measured  Link identifier #identifier__134171-62with the JUNO detector

data tesi: 20.05.2021

Stefano Maria Mari

Paolo Montini

Link identifier #identifier__157353-63Luca MARTINELLI Link identifier #identifier__139064-64From top antitop production cross section measurements to the top-quark pole

Link identifier #identifier__8340-65mass extraction and  Link identifier #identifier__147959-66the MicroMegas upgrade project for the ATLAS experiment

data tesi: 20.05.2021

Giuseppe Salamanna XXXIII
Link identifier #identifier__190857-67Stefania DE ROSA Link identifier #identifier__180062-68Low energy ion collisions as a tool for unveiling the HOPG anion intercalation

Link identifier #identifier__81983-69mechanism

data tesi: 06.05.2021

Paolo Branchini XXXIII
Link identifier #identifier__126065-70Ester MARINI Link identifier #identifier__68295-71Characterization of AGB stars in the LMC in the JWST era

data tesi: 06.05.2021

Paolo Ventura XXXIII
Link identifier #identifier__95242-72Maria Vittoria MAZZIOTTI Link identifier #identifier__185191-73Multicomponent superconductivity at the unconventional Lifshitz transition in

Link identifier #identifier__178228-74a three-dimensional Link identifier #identifier__124481-75heterostructure with tunable Rashba spin-orbit coupling

data tesi: 06.05.2021

Roberto Raimondi XXXIII
Link identifier #identifier__46955-76Carmen MONACO Link identifier #identifier__113478-77Spin Hall effect and charge-to-spin conversion in graphene with

Link identifier #identifier__19019-78proximity-spin-orbit coupling: the Link identifier #identifier__2421-79quasi-classical Green’s function approach

data tesi: 06.05.2021

Roberto Raimondi XXXIII
Link identifier #identifier__41671-80Alessandra ZAINO Link identifier #identifier__154735-81Mapping the circumnuclear matter in obscured active galactic nuclei via X-ray

Link identifier #identifier__168379-82spectroscopy and Link identifier #identifier__167031-83polarimetry

data tesi: 06.05.2021

Giorgio Matt XXXIII
Alberto MARTINI Link identifier #identifier__25520-84Search for charged Lepton Flavour Violation in tau -> 3mu channel at Belle II

data tesi: 27.02.2021

Paolo Branchini,  Enrico Graziani XXXIII
Stefano AMENDOLA Link identifier #identifier__101854-85Neural-Network modelling for meteorological and climatological applications

data tesi: 16-03-2020

Antonello Pasini, Elena Pettinelli XXXII
Elena DE PAOLI Link identifier #identifier__194191-86Dynamics of null hypersurfaces in general relativity and applications to

Link identifier #identifier__8941-87gravitational radiation, conserved  Link identifier #identifier__150379-88charges and quantum gravity

data tesi: 28-04-2020

Alessandro Giuliani XXXII
Giacomo DE PIETRO Link identifier #identifier__198052-89Search for an invisibly decaying $Z^{prime}$ dark boson at Belle

Link identifier #identifier__105286-90II in $e^+ e^- o mu^+ mu^- (e^{pm} mu^{mp})$ + missing energy final states

data tesi: 16-03-2020

Paolo Branchini,

Enrico Graziani

Anish GHOSHAL Link identifier #identifier__8342-91On Aspects of Weakly Interacting Physics:
Neutrino Oscillation & Dark Sectordata tesi: 16-03-2020
Davide Meloni XXXII
Davide GIUSTI Link identifier #identifier__127091-92Isospin Breaking Corrections to Masses and Hadronic Processes on the Lattice

data tesi: 16-03-2020

Vittorio Lubicz,

Silvano Simula

Alessandro LONGO Link identifier #identifier__199346-93Adaptive and fractal data analysis of seismic monitoring at the Virgo interferometer

data tesi: 16-03-2020

Wolfango Plastino XXXII
Rishikesh PANDIT Link identifier #identifier__40754-94A Multi-probe Approach to Investigate Open Issues in Cosmology

data tesi: 16-03-2020

Enzo Franco Branchini XXXII
Eleonora ROSSI Link identifier #identifier__76784-95Measurement of Higgs-boson self-coupling with single-Higgs and

Link identifier #identifier__80702-96double-Higgs production channels

data tesi: 16-03-2020

Biagio Di Micco XXXII

Link identifier #identifier__196996-97Dark Matter direct detection with the DarkSide project. ReD: an experiment

Link identifier #identifier__133675-98to probe the recoil Link identifier #identifier__54258-99directionality in Liquid Argon

data tesi: 16-03-2020

Stefano Maria Mari XXXII
Giulio SETTANTA Link identifier #identifier__102900-100Atmospheric neutrino spectrum reconstruction with the JUNO experiment

data tesi: 16-03-2020

Stefano Maria Mari XXXII
Valentina VECCHIO Link identifier #identifier__162415-101Measurement of the ratio of top quark branching fractions B(t->Wb)/B(t->Wq)

Link identifier #identifier__90320-102 in proton-proton  Link identifier #identifier__20394-103collisions at 13 TeV using the ATLAS detector

data tesi: 16-03-2020

Giuseppe Salamanna XXXII
Alessio BARBENSI Link identifier #identifier__99555-104A critical  study of  two Pati-Salam models
data tesi: 25-03-2019
Davide Meloni XXXI
Giulia D’ANGELO Link identifier #identifier__65037-105Investigation of GNSS scintillations under different configurations of the

Link identifier #identifier__104834-106magnetosphere-ionosphere  Link identifier #identifier__136270-107coupling
data tesi: 25-03-2019

Elena Pettinelli

Lucilla Alfonsi

Raffaella DONGHIA Link identifier #identifier__149935-108The Mu2e calorimeter: R&D and calibration strategies
data tesi: 25-03-2019
Stefano Miscetti

Gianantonio Pezzullo

Federica DURAS Probing the AGN/galaxy co-evolution in the widest luminosity range ever
data tesi: 01-04-2019
Fabio La Franca XXXI
Antonio IORIO Link identifier #identifier__37888-109Slow Dynamics in Supercooled Aqueous Solutions for Cryopreservation
data tesi: 01-04-2019
Paola Gallo XXXI
Iryna MIATKA Link identifier #identifier__171067-110Spin dynamics in anisotropic systems in the presence of spin-orbit coupling
data tesi: 01-04-2019
Roberto Raimondi XXXI
Riccardo MIDDEI Link identifier #identifier__99556-111The X-ray emission of AGN: investigating the surroundings of Black Holes
data tesi: 01-04-2019
Stefano Bianchi XXXI
Andrea SELCE Link identifier #identifier__67717-112Measurement of the KS meson semileptonic branching ratios with the KLOE experiment
data tesi: 25-03-2019
Filippo Ceradini XXXI
Muhammad SOHAIL Link identifier #identifier__82448-113Search for Higgs boson pair production in the WWbb final state at sqrt(s) =13 TeV

Link identifier #identifier__128786-114with the ATLAS  Link identifier #identifier__131472-115detector
data tesi: 30-10-2019

Biaggio Di Micco XXXI
Camillo TASSI Link identifier #identifier__155292-116Quantum noise in the spin transfer torque effect
data tesi: 01-04-2019
Roberto Raimondi XXXI
Alessio AGOSTINI Link identifier #identifier__5846-117Double Higgs production at NLO in the SM and in the MSSM
data tesi: 16-02-2018
Giuseppe Degrassi XXX
Stefano BIANCHI Link identifier #identifier__156330-118Time series analysis: A new methodological approach for a worldwide

Link identifier #identifier__33873-119comparison of 7Be and  Link identifier #identifier__120032-120meteorological parameters
data tesi: 13-02-2018

Wolfango Plastino XXX
Antonio COUTINHO Link identifier #identifier__89790-121Anomalies in b to s transitions and metastability of the two Higgs doublet model: Link identifier #identifier__54009-122two global analyses

data tesi: 16-02-2018

Marco  Ciuchini XXX
Amin MALEKI Link identifier #identifier__143304-123Theory of Spin-Charge Interconversion in an Electron Gas
data tesi: 13-02-2018
Roberto Raimondi XXX
Gabriele MEVI Link identifier #identifier__84015-124Water vapor measurements in the Arctic middle atmosphere by means of a

Link identifier #identifier__153907-125 novel ground-based  Link identifier #identifier__95689-126microwave spectrometer
data tesi: 13-02-2018

Wolfango Plastino XXX
Pietro PUGLIESE Link identifier #identifier__160194-127Ice Structure Inside single Wall Carbon Nanotube
data tesi: 13-02-2018
Maria Martin Conde
Paola Gallo
Gaabriele  RIA Link identifier #identifier__90628-128On the renormalization of the singlet extension of the standard model

data tesi: 16-02-2018

Davide Meloni XXX
Dario SABBAGH Link identifier #identifier__58040-129Regional ionosphere characterization through vertical and oblique radio-sounding Link identifier #identifier__115773-130data assimilation
data tesi: 13-02-2018
Vittorio Sgrigna
Scotto Carlo
Giorgio SALERNO Link identifier #identifier__75066-131Form factors of the sem D→π(K)ν
ileptonic decays and determination of the CKM matrix elements |Vcd| and |Vcs|with Nf=2+1+1 twistedmass lattice QCD
data tesi: 16-02-2018
Vittorio Lubicz
Simula Silvano
Marco SANTIMARIA Link identifier #identifier__54663-132Search for the decay and B0d→μ + μ− measurement of the B0s → μ + μ −

Link identifier #identifier__33271-133 branching fraction and  Link identifier #identifier__137198-134effective lifetime
data tesi: 16-02-2018

Matteo Palutan
Domizia Orestano
Alessia TORTOSA Link identifier #identifier__179848-135Comptonization mechanisms in hot coronae in AGN. The NuSTAR view.
data tesi: 13-02-2018
Giorgio Matt XXX
Gaia CAMISASCA Link identifier #identifier__81488-136Slow Dynamics of Supercooled Water in Biological and Glass Forming Solutions
data tesi: 06-02-2017
Paola Gallo XXIX
Link identifier #identifier__100641-137Dynamics and Thermodynamics in Supercooled Bulk and Confined Water
data tesi: 06-02-2017
Paola Gallo XXIX
Alessandro DI CICCO Link identifier #identifier__117539-138Measurement of the rare decay KS –> pi+pi0pi- with the KLOE detector
data tesi: 06-02-2017
Filippo Ceradini XXIX
Andrea Giuseppe
Link identifier #identifier__141938-139Aspects of New Physics beyond the Standard Model in the leptonic sector
data tesi: 06-02-2017
Davide Meloni XXIX
Matteo Valerio FALESSI Link identifier #identifier__159743-140Gyrokinetic theory for particle transport in fusion plasma
data tesi: 06-02-2017
Orlando Ragnisco XXIX
Danilo LATINI Link identifier #identifier__98830-141Algebraic and Coalgebraic aspects of classical and quantum Hamiltonian systems
data tesi: 06-02-2017
Orlando Ragnisco XXIX
Adriana POSTIGLIONE Link identifier #identifier__85689-142Cosmological analysis of the angular correlation properties of 2MPZ galaxies
data tesi: 06-02-2017
Enzo Franco Branchini XXIX
Federica RICCI Link identifier #identifier__115970-143The role of AGN in galaxy evolution
data tesi: 06-02-2017
Fabio La Franca XXIX
Marco SESSA Link identifier #identifier__181794-144Ricerca della produzione associata del bosone di Higgs con una coppia di quark

Link identifier #identifier__52282-145top in stati finali  Link identifier #identifier__49418-146multileptonici a sqrt(s) = 13 TeV con il rivelatore ATLAS
data tesi: 06-02-2017

Giuseppe Salamanna XXIX
Luciano SPERANDIO Link identifier #identifier__102742-147Development of a Certified Reference Material and determination of Nuclear

Link identifier #identifier__93890-148Data for NORM analysis
data tesi: 06-02-2017

Wolfango Plastino XXIX
Francesco URSINI anno tesi: 2016 Giorgio Matt XXIX
Erica VAGNONI Link identifier #identifier__163112-149Theoretical description and reconstruction of neutrino interactions, and systematic

Link identifier #identifier__80883-150uncertainties of long-baseline oscillation experiments
data tesi: 06-02-2017

Davide Meloni XXIX
Federico BRAZZI Link identifier #identifier__41789-151Structural behavior and phase stability of Uranium at high pressure and high

Link identifier #identifier__154016-152 temperature
data tesi: 09-02-2016

Wolfango Plastino XXVIII
Lorenzo COPIA Link identifier #identifier__182634-153New Methodologies for Uranium, Radium and Tritium Groundwater Analysis
data tesi: 09-02-2016
Wolfango Plastino XXVIII
Michela FRATINI Link identifier #identifier__10129-154Multimodal Imaging as a tool to study the neurovascular coupling in the spinal cord
data tesi: 08-02-2016
Maria Antonietta Ricci XXVIII
Paolo LAMI Link identifier #identifier__10705-155CKM matrix elements from K and D decays on the lattice
data tesi: 08-02-2016
Vittorio Lubicz XXVIII


Link identifier #identifier__41858-156Strongly correlated electron materials: A core level photoelectron spectroscopy i

Link identifier #identifier__120134-157nvestigation
data tesi: 08-02-2016

Francesco Offi XXVIII
Link identifier #identifier__103398-158A polarimeter to observe exoplanets

data tesi: 21-06-2016

Paolo Branchini XXVIII
Manuele MARTINI Link identifier #identifier__85666-159Next-Generation laser retroreflectors for precision tests of general relativity”
data tesi: 09-02-2016
Aldo Altamore XXVIII
Laura MAUGERI Link identifier #identifier__127464-160Studio su scala atomica di soluzioni acquose attraverso NDIS combinata con

Link identifier #identifier__88945-161 simulazioni EPSR
data tesi: 08-02-2016

Fabio Bruni XXVIII
Valentina NIGRO Link identifier #identifier__144689-162Study of colloidal suspensions of multi-responsive microgels
data tesi: 08-02-2016
Maria Antonietta Ricci XXVIII
Eleonora PICCA Link identifier #identifier__45974-163Leading isospin breaking effects and electromagnetic corrections of hadronic

Link identifier #identifier__182664-164quantities in lattice QCD
data tesi: 26-02-2016

Vittorio Lubicz XXVIII
Daniele PUDDU Link identifier #identifier__169447-165Study of (W/Z)H production using H->WW* decays
with the ATLAS detector at LHC
data tesi: 26-02-2016
Domizia Orestano XXVIII
Diego SABBAGH Link identifier #identifier__159285-166Far-infrared optical properties of Ge/SiGe quantum well systems
data tesi: 08-02-2016
Monica De Seta XXVIII




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Francesca Norrito 23 Gennaio 2025